Can You Help Our Friends On The Streets Stay Dry?

This winter storm is hitting hard, and our community members who live on the street struggle to stay dry and warm. If you have the means, please donate warm jackets, blankets, tarps, rain ponchos, big trash bags, gloves, rain boots, umbrellas, and other winter supplies to our Resource Centers to support our unhoused friends.

Consider pulling that stash of plastic grocery bags out of the cabinet to donate- these bags have so many uses!

Donations can be dropped off at the following locations:

Building Bridges Homeless Resource Center
1045 S. State St, Ukiah
(707) 234-3270
(Public hours are limited, so call or ring the doorbell at the gate)

The Arbor Youth Resource Center
810 N. State St, Ukiah
(707) 467-7267
M-F, 10am-5pm

The Harbor Youth Resource Center
150 S. Main St, Lakeport
(707) 994-5486
M-F, 9am-6pm

#communitycares #harmreduction #housingmendo #mendocinocounty #lakecounty #resourcecenter #unhoused #endhomelessness #weatheringthestorm

Joey Mertle